The Third International Stock Enhancement & Searanching

Poster Abstracts
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Restocking and stock enhancement systems and their role in fisheries management

Pacific salmon enhancement in British Columbia      
Don MacKinlay
Abstract Text

When can hatchery releases add value to other forms of management?

Experimental enhancement of black-foot abalone, Haliotis iris, in Tory Channel,
Marlborough, New Zealand   
Elizabeth Keys
Abstract Text

How do we recover abalone resources successfully by reseedings?

Toyomitsu Horii, T. Kawamura
Abstract Text

Institutional and socio-economic issues

Economic factors affecting stock enhancement of salmon in Japan: domestic salmon versus imported wild salmon and imported farmed salmon
Ikutaro Shimizu
Abstract Text

Release strategies

Experiments on using hatchery-reared juveniles to enhance stocks of the topshell
Trochus niloticus in Vietnam    

Do Huu Hoang, Huynh Minh Sang, Nguyen Xuan Hoa, Hua Thai Tuyen and Hoang Duc Lu
Abstract Text

Spiny lobster enhancement: behaviour, movement and predation of released juvenile lobsters (Jasus edwardsii)      
Megan Oliver, C. Gardner, A. MacDiarmid, R. Stewart, D. Mills
Abstract Text

Notice on the experimental release of reared Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)
in southern Portugal    
Pedro Gil Lino, M. Neves dos Santos, P. Pousão-Ferreira, C. Costa Monteiro
Abstract Text

Experimental stocking trials of Portugal’s southern coast 
Pedro Gil Lino, Miguel Neves dos Santos, Pedro Pousão-Ferreira and Carlos Costa Monteiro
Abstract Text

Characterization of short-term scallop and predator dynamics following
a large-scale seeding  
Madeleine Nadeau
, J.-C. Brêthes, M. Barbeau
Abstract Text

Interactions between wild and released stocks

Restocking of endangered marine fish: genetic monitoring of breeding practices for Epinephelus marginatus
Sabina De Innocentiis,
A. Longobardi, G. Marino
Abstract Text

A model for assessing the impact of fishing pressure and stock enhancement
on genetic diversity  
Masashi Yokota
Abstract Text

Assessment for stocking impact of exogenous hatchery populations of Pacific abalone        
Motoyuki Hara, S. Onoue
Abstract Text

Population genetic structure of the large yellow croaker along the Chinese coast      
Zhi Qun Xiao, K. Chu, Z. Wang
Abstract Text

Minimization of genetic diversity loss of future generations in the stock enhancement
program of rare fish species

Nobuhiko Taniguchi , M. del Mar Ortega-Villaizán Romo, D. Noguchi
Abstract Text

Impact of fenced scallop (Pecten maximus) sea ranching on the benthic fauna        
Øivind Strand, T. Strohmeier, H. Botnen, P. Johannessen
Abstract Text

Morphological differences between wild and cultured European lobster, males and females: impact on size at maturity?           
Ann-L. Agnalt, K. Jørstad,T. Kristiansen
Abstract Text

Escapement of eggs from farmed cod spawning in net pens and offspring intermingling with natural spawned larvae
Knut Jørstad, T. van der Meeren, O. Paulsen, T. Thomsen, T. Svåsand
Abstract Text

Biological insights from hatchery releases

Feeding habits of wild and hatchery-reared Pacific threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis
(Family Polynemidae) in Hawaii
Tom Ogawa, D.  Ziemann, S. Bloom
Abstract Text

Preliminary investigations on the use of cultured cobia (Rachycentron canadum) for stock enhancement within Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Michael Oesterling, D. Sennett, W. DuPaul
Abstract Text

Arenas of progress

Evaluation of stock enhancement programmes for decapod  crustaceans      
Katsuyuki Hamasaki, S. Kitada
Abstract Text

Calcium sensing receptor activation influences parr-smolt transformation in
hatchery Atlantic salmon
Tim Linley, S. Jury
Abstract Text

Status quo of bluefin tuna brood stock management, breeding and seedling
production in Japan  
Shukei Masuma
, S. Miyashita, H. Yamamoto, H. Kumai
Abstract Text

Toward a more efficient approach to genetic tagging 
Michael Tringali
Abstract Text

Surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters in juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus      
Carole Neidig, C. Armstrong, D. Roberts
Abstract Text

Using microsatellites to track hatchery released blue crabs                
Jessica Hill, A. Place
Abstract Text

Release strategies for stock enhancement of the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina    
Wenresti Gallardo, L. Garcia, A. Hurtado, C. Marte, S. Buen-Ursua
Abstract Text

Seed quality: engineering larval diets to increase growth and reduce disease transmission 
Adelaide Rhodes, M. Rust
Abstract Text

Developing the technology for intensive rearing of spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus
for stock enhancement

Reginald Blaylock
, A. Apeitos, J. Lemus,  J. Lotz
Abstract Text